- 參加者只限於指定日期及地點換領體驗裝乙份。
- 必須於電子裝置出示電子確認信以換領體驗裝,逾時、電子截圖及影印本恕不接受。
- 如有任何爭議,一概以SHISEIDO Hong Kong Limited最終決定為準。
假如你於登記途中無法接收電話驗證碼短訊,有機會是因為手機設定或網絡問題所導致。請於登記後的 24 小時內於
SHISEIDO Hong Kong Facebook 專頁私訊相關登記版面截圖、登記的手提電話號碼及電郵地址以方便跟進。
SHISEIDO Hong Kong Facebook 專頁與我們查詢。
- 本活動是由資生堂香港有限公司舉辦。
- 活動有效期由即日至 2021 年 4 月4 日 23:59 止(香港時間),日期及時間以主辦單位之伺服器接收為準。
- 參加是次活動,即代表同意其所載之條款及細則。如有違反,主辦單位有權取消其參加或得獎資格,並對於任何破壞是次活動之行為保留追究權利。
- 每人只限登記活動及換領體驗裝乙次,並必須完成登記後才可獲贈VITAL PERFECTION緊緻亮白美肌體驗裝乙份。禮物數量有限,換完即止。
- 參加者可於登記換領活動時間前不少於一天登入並作出更改,每人只可更改預約一次,名額有限,額滿即止;已過期的預約則不接受更改。所有資料均以網上登記之紀錄為準,錯誤、不完整或重新輸入的資料將被視作無效,參加資格將被作廢而不作另行通知。
- 參加者所提供之電話號碼及個人資料均須正確無誤,否則主辦單位有權取消其參加或得獎資格。
- 參加者遞交資料即代表同意資生堂香港有限公司發送與活動相關的電郵及電話短訊到參加者所遞交的電郵地址及電話號碼,唯由於參加者沒有開啟手提電話、安裝了攔截短訊程式、啟動了電話供應商的攔截短訊服務或登記了拒受訊息登記冊等原因致未能接收換領短訊,主辦單位恕不負責。
- 對於是次活動之回覆資料及時間,將以主辦單位伺服器所收訖之數據作準。任何因電腦、網路等技術問題而引致參加者所遞交的資料有遲延、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識等情況,主辦單位恕不負責。
- 是次活動之主辦單位、推廣公司或任何相關人士或一方,均毋須對參加者如因參與是次活動或贏得任何獎品所引致的任何損失或損毀(非直接或引發性之損失)或個人傷亡負上任何責任。
- 如發現以空號或假帳戶參加活動、重覆登記或以任何程式擾亂或操控活動,本公司有權取消該參加者參與活動及得獎資格,而毋須事先通知。
- 程式將會紀錄部分用戶資料,而儲存資料只供是次活動之使用,並會於活動完結後銷毀,該資料將不會用作其他用途。而用戶自願提供並同意用作日後接收來自資生堂位於各地的集團公司宣傳資料則除外。
- 所有體驗裝不得轉讓、不得兌換現金、不得退換及更換其他禮物。如參加者領取體驗裝後,若有遺失或被竊,主辦單位不會發出補償。
- 參加者因其參與是次活動而產生之任何運輸安排或其他所需支付的費用,須由參加者自行承擔。
- 體驗活動須於指定地點及有效日期內享用,參加者不得異議。
- 建議使用以下瀏覽器及系統版本瀏覽此應用程式,以獲取最佳瀏覽效果。桌面版:IE 11或以上/最新版本 Firefox /最新版本 Google Chrome /最新版本 Safari;手機/平板: 系統版本Android4.0或以上,iOS 10.0或以上。
- 資生堂香港有限公司有權要求參加者於享用體驗服務時出示有關證明文件以核對身份。
- 如有任何爭議,資生堂香港有限公司保留最終決定權。
- Shiseido Group、Shiseido Co., Ltd. 及Shiseido Hong Kong Limited (資生堂集團,資生堂有限公司及資生堂香港有限公司) (統稱「資生堂」、「我們」、「我們的」或「本公司」) 於收集、持有、儲存、使用、傳送、或以其他形式處理個人資料時將尊重閣下的法定私隱權利,而本私隱政策聲明將說明我們的私隱實務。我們承諾會遵守香港法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》的規定。本通知不會限制閣下作為資料當事人在《個人資料(私隱)條例》下所享有的權利。
- 請細閲以下內容,以了解我們如何處理閣下的個人資料的政策和實務。本政策可能不時予以修訂。如本私隱政策聲明的英文及中文版本有任何抵觸,概以英文版本為準。
- 本私隱政策聲明內「個人資料」一詞含有《個人資料(私隱)條例》所解釋的意義。
- 閣下或須不時提供閣下的個人資料,包括但不限於閣下的姓名、性別、年齡、護照或身分證明文件號碼、出生日期、電話號碼、傳真號碼、住址、電郵地址、信用卡資料、教育程度、職業、家庭收入、興趣及喜好活動等。如閣下拒絕提供有關資料及/或提供不完整或不正確資料,可能令本公司無法為閣下提供某些服務。
- 如閣下未滿十八歲,必須先得到家長或監護人的同意,方可向本公司提供任何個人資料。我們不會在未經其同意的情況下收集閣下的個人資料。
3. 我們將收集及使用閣下的個人資料的用途
- 於閣下購物、參與相關推廣活動或申請成為我們不時營運的任何一個香水、化妝品、美容護理及相關產品品牌包括但不限於「Anessa, Bare Minerals, Clé de Peau Beauté, Dolce & Gabbana Beauty, Elie Saab Parfums, Ettusais, Fino, Ipsa, Issey Miyake Parfums, Laura Mercier, Ma Chérie, Majolica Majorca, Nars, Narcisco Rodriguez Parfums, Senka, Serge Lutens, Shiseido, Tsubaki, Za 及 Zadig & Voltaire Parfums」的會員時,我們可能會收集閣下的個人資料。
- 如閣下希望得到我們提供的某些服務,某些個人資料是必須提供的,此等資料將會在會員申請表格內被註明為「必須提供資料」。如閣下希望我們向閣下提供所申請的服務,閣下必須向我們提供這些個人資料。如某些個人資料只為可自願性提供的,該等資料將不會被註明為「必須提供資料」,且閣下可決定是否向我們提供該等資料。
(a) 參加及維持閣下作為我們的會員的資格;
(b) 累積作為我們的會員的優惠積分;
(c) 向閣下發出關於作為我們的會員可享有的福利和優惠的通知;
(d) 享有作為會員的優惠;
(e) 通知有關會員計劃的任何修訂;
(f) 數據清洗及客戶資料更新; 及
(g) 其他直接有關會員的持續性客戶支援服務。 -
(a) 讓我們更清楚了解我們客戶的統計資料;
(b) 作內部研究及分析,以讓我們能妥善提供切合閣下特定需求的獎賞、服務及產品信息或禮物;
(c) 市場研究;
(d) 讓我們的美容顧問進行跟進服務;
(e) 分派客戶滿意調查; 及
(f) 寄出尊貴客戶通訊及尊貴客戶活動最新資料。
(a) 告知閣下(以本私隱政策聲明或透過另行發出的通知)我們正在收集閣下的資料及我們所收集的該等個人資料的用途;
(b) 在相關情況下,給予閣下機會選擇退出及拒絕將閣下的個人資料作某種用途(包括但不限於下文第5段所述的情況); 及
(c) 告知閣下我們將如何儲存閣下的個人資料及閣下如何可以查閱,更改及刪除我們所保存的該等個人資料。 -
(a) 任何旗下公司、附屬公司、控股公司、關聯公司或由資生堂同屬一家控制公司的公司或聯營公司;
(b) 就處理及儲存閣下的資料向我們提供行政、電訊、電腦及其他服務的任何代理、承包商或第三方服務供應商(統稱「第三方供應商」);
(c) 資生堂的任何實際或建議的全部或任何部分資產,股份或服務受讓人、承讓人或全部或任何部分的業務繼承人; 及
(d) 由香港境內或境外適用法律規定或授權的政府和監管機關、執法機構和其他組織; - 第三方供應商負有保密責任及受合約條款之約束保護閣下的個人資料私隱並只能使用閣下的個人資料作上文第3段所列的用途,而非第三方供應商之目的(包括直接促銷)。
- 我們亦可能會使用閣下的個人資料包括姓名、電話號碼、住址及電郵地址作直接市場推廣用途。根據法律規定,除非我們已獲得閣下的同意(包括不反對的表示),我們不會使用閣下的個人資料作直接促銷。
(a) 通知閣下有關新產品推出及其他推廣優惠,包括(如適用)護膚產品、化妝品、彩妝產品、身體護理產品、彩妝服務、身體護理服務及美容服務;
(b) 通知閣下有關我們的推廣活動,包括(如適用)彩妝班及/或示範、皮膚護理講座、其他美容課堂、公關活動、尊貴客戶聚會、產品套装、店舗開幕活動、商店公告活動、展覽及最新消息;
(c) 通知閣下有關皮膚護理、彩妝或身體護理的專櫃或專櫃以外服務及活動,以作推廣及獎賞用途;
(d) 市場推廣獎賞計劃、生日優惠、免費試用產品、數碼活動、路演/街頭推廣活動,店內推廣的最新消息;
(e) 通知閣下有關與購物商場、百貨公司、信用咭、銀行、行業、名人雜誌、電視、網站、文化、藝術或音樂團體/組織、慈善團體或非謀利組織的聯合推廣或活動及
(f) 與資生堂旗下品牌進行跨品牌合作推廣及/或活動。 - 如於任何時候閣下不希望我們使用閣下的個人資料於上文所述的直接市場推廣用途,閣下可透過下文第7段所列的渠道聯絡我們,以行使閣下的退出權利。
- 閣下向本公司提供的個人資料將妥為存置於本公司的客戶服務系統內,只有已接受我們私隱政策培訓的授權人士方可查閱。
7. Cookies
Cookies ("儲存在用户本地終端上的數據")是指把閣下瀏覽本網站的紀錄以壓縮及加密的文字檔案形式,儲存於閣下的電腦或流動裝置的一項功能。本網站所用的Cookies並沒有識別個別用戶的功能,而經Cookies所收集的信息並不會包括閣下的電子郵件地址、姓名或其它個人資料。資生堂在以下情況有可能於此本網站取用Cookies:
(a) 當用戶瀏覽本網站並需要切換到本網站的不同頁面,所需的資料會被暫存以便用戶能夠更方便地瀏覽本網站。
(b) 當資生堂或資生堂所委託的公司於本網站進行用戶調查或需要分析本網站的瀏覽情況,以便日後於本網站提供更好的服務。
*即使資生堂在此網站有使用Cookies,閣下仍可以自行更改瀏覽器軟件的設定以選擇是否使用Cookies。 閣下亦可以於電腦及流動裝置上刪除已儲存的Cookies。
(詳情請參閱閣下所使用的瀏覽器軟件說明) 另外,請注意如閣下拒絕於本網站使用Cookies功能,有可能會導致此網站上的某些內容無法正常顯示或閣下未能使用本網站。
- 我們通常會將閣下的個人資料儲存在我們於[香港]的伺服器內,但為了將閣下的個人資料轉移或加添至我們的全球客戶資料庫或上文第4段規定的任何人士,我們可能會將這些個人資料轉移至我們於香港以外的辦事處。我們承諾會採取一切合理必要的步驟及盡一切應盡的努力確保所有在我們於香港以外的辦事處收集、持有、儲存、使用、或以其他形式處理的個人資料會得到安全處理,並符合本私隱政策聲明及《個人資料(私隱)條例》的規定。
9. 存取、更正及刪除資料的權利
- 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》,閣下有權查核我們是否持有有關閣下的個人資料,並要求查閱、更正及刪除任何閣下於我們的記錄中的個人資料。如於任何時候閣下希望行使任何上述權利,請向我們提出書面要求並如下文第10段所述發送電郵至我們的個人資料私隱主任。
- 閣下亦可要求我們從任何運作中的郵遞或分派名單中刪除閣下或閣下的個人資料。如閣下不希望收到我們的宣傳和直接促銷資料,請如下文第10段所述電郵聯絡我們的個人資料私隱主任,並在閣下的通訊中註明「保密」。在回應閣下的要求時,我們可能會要求閣下提供若干關於閣下的資料,以核實存取要求的真確性及有效性。
(1)如閣下要求 (i)查閱或更正資料; (ii)提供關於我們在個人資料方面的政策及實務的一般資料; 或 (iii)提供關於我們持有的個人資料的種類; 及(2)一般查詢及投訴的人士,應聯絡:
- 我們將只會為履行正在或將要使用的個人資料的目的所需(包括任何直接相關的目的)而保存閣下的個人資料。閣下與本公司進行業務往來之時,本公司將保存閣下所有交易紀錄以作審核之用。本公司的內部政策是將有關資料保存一段合理時間,並會將已不再需要用於收集時的目的之個人資料刪除。如上文第8段所述,您亦有權要求刪除我們所持有的閣下的個人資料。
- 如本聲明的中文與英文版本有任何分歧,概以英文版本為準。
SHK Privacy Policy Statement
1. Your Privacy
- Shiseido Group, Shiseido Co., Ltd. and Shiseido Hong Kong Limited (referred to collectively as “Shiseido”, “we”, “our” or “us”) respect your legal rights of privacy when collecting, holding, storing, using, processing, transmitting or otherwise handling personal data and this Privacy Policy Statement explains our privacy practices. We are committed to comply with the requirements under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the Laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Nothing in this Privacy Policy Statement shall limit or restrict your rights as a data subject under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
- Please read the following carefully to understand our policy and practices regarding how your personal data will be treated. This policy may from time to time be revised. If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese version of this Privacy Policy Statement, the English version shall prevail.
- Throughout this Privacy Policy Statement, the term “personal data” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
2. Types of Personal Data Collected
- You may need to provide your personal data from time to time, including but not limited to your name, gender, age, passport or identity card number, date of birth, phone number, facsimile number, address, email address, credit card details, education level, occupation, household income, hobbies or preferred activities. Failure to provide such data and/or provision of incomplete or inaccurate data may prevent us from providing certain services to you.
- If you are under the age of 18, you must obtain the consent from parents or guardians before disclosing any of your personal data to us, and we shall not collect your personal data without such prior consent.
3. Purposes for which we will collect and use your Personal Data
- Your personal data may be collected when you make a purchase, participate in promotional activities or apply to be a member of any of the brands of fragrance, cosmetics, beauty care and related products operated by us from time to time, including but not limited to Anessa, Bare Minerals, Clé de Peau Beauté, Dolce & Gabbana Beauty, Elie Saab Parfums, Ettusais, Fino, Ipsa, Issey Miyake Parfums, Laura Mercier, Ma Chérie, Majolica Majorca, Nars, Narcisco Rodriguez Parfums, Senka, Serge Lutens, Shiseido, Tsubaki, Za and Zadig & Voltaire Parfums.
- Certain personal data is required to be provided on an obligatory basis if you wish to receive certain services from us. These data will be marked as “mandatory” in the Member Record Form and you MUST provide your personal data to us if you want us to provide the service for which you are applying. If personal data is only required on a voluntary basis, it will not be marked “mandatory” and it is entirely up to you to decide whether you want to provide such information to us or not.
Your supply of personal data is mandatory if you wish to receive one or more of the following services:
- Enrolment into and maintaining your membership as our member;
- Accumulating bonus points as our member;
- Communicating to you your entitlements and privileges as our member;
- Redemption of privileges as a member;
- Notification of any amendment to the membership program;
- Data cleansing and customers profile updates; and
- Other continuous customer support services directly in relation to your membership.
We may use any personal data provided by you (whether on an obligatory and/or voluntary basis) to enable us to provide the following additional services to you and/or carry out the following activities:
- To enable us better to understand the demographics of our customers;
- For internal research and analysis to enable us to provide rewards, services and product information or offerings better tailored to your needs;
- Market research;
- To enable our beauty consultant/specialist to follow up;
- To distribute customer satisfaction survey; and
- To send our VIP newsletters and VIP program updates.
4. Disclosure of Personal Data
In cases where we do collect personal data from you, we will:
- Inform you (by way of this Privacy Policy Statement or by a separate notification) that we are doing so and the purpose(s) for which we will use the personal data collected;
- Where relevant, give you the opportunity to opt-out and object to any of the purpose(s) for which we will use the personal data collected (including but not limited to the circumstances described in paragraph 5 below); and
- Tell you how we will store your personal data and how you can review, change and delete the personal data we have stored.
All personal data collected and held by us will be kept confidential but we may provide and/or disclose such information to the following parties (whether within or outside Hong Kong) for the purposes set out in paragraph 3 above:
- Any member companies, subsidiaries, holding companies, associated companies, or affiliates of, or companies controlled by, or under common control with Shiseido;
- Any agent, contractor or third party service provider (“Third Party Service Providers”) who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer and other services to us in connection with the processing and storage of your data;
- Any actual or proposed assignee or transferee of all or any part of our assets, shares or services, or successor of Shiseido in carrying on all or any part of our business; and
- Government, judicial or regulatory authorities, law enforcement agencies or other organizations as required or authorized by applicable laws in or outside Hong Kong.
- Our Third Party Service Providers are under a duty of confidentiality and are contractually bound to protect your personal data privacy and to only use your personal data in connection with the purposes specified in paragraph 3 above and not for their own purposes (including direct marketing).
5. Use of Data in Direct Marketing
- We may also use your personal data including name, telephone number, address and email for direct marketing. By law, we may not use your personal data for this purpose unless we have received your consent (including an indication of no objection).
Upon your consent, your personal data may be used for:
- Communicating to you regarding new product launch and other promotional offers, including where applicable, skincare products, cosmetics products, make up products, body care products, make up services, body care services and facial services;
- Communicating to you regarding our promotional events including where applicable, makeup classes and/or demonstrations, skincare seminars, other beauty classes, PR events, VIP gatherings, value sets, shop opening events, store announcement/ events, exhibitions and news update;
- Communicating on-counter or out of counter services and events related to skincare, makeup or beauty services for promotion or rewarded purpose;
- Marketing reward programs, birthday celebration offers, free sampling, digital campaigns, roadshow/ outpost, in store promotion updates;
- Communicating joint promotion or events with shopping malls, department stores, credit cards, banks, trades, celebrities, magazines, television, websites, mileage programs, cultural, art or musical societies/ organizations, charities or nonprofit organizations; and
- Cross brand joint promotions and/ or events with brands within Shiseido.
- If at any other point of time you do not wish us to use your personal data for use in direct marketing as described above, you may exercise your opt-out rights by notifying us through the communication channels as stated in paragraph 7 below.
6. Security
- All personal data provided by you will be properly stored in our customer service system and can only be accessed by authorized persons who have received training on our privacy policies.
7. Cookies
- Cookies are small, often encrypted text files, located in browser directories which serve to keep a record in your computer or mobile device that you have visited this website. Cookies used on this website do not have the function of identifying an individual user and the information collected by a Cookie does not include your e-mail address, names or other personal data. Shiseido may use Cookies in this website for the following purposes:
- When there is a website crossing over several pages of this website and such necessary information is temporarily recorded in order for users to use this website conveniently.
- When Shiseido or a company consigned by Shiseido conducts survey analysis of the access trends of users on this website in order to provide better service through this website. * You may choose whether to use Cookies by modifying your browser settings, even if Shiseido uses Cookies in this website. You may also delete stored cookies from your computer or mobile device. Please see the help page of the browsing software you use for more details. However, please note that there may be some contents on this website which may not function properly or which cannot be used when use of Cookies is refused.
8. Transfer of Personal Data
- Your personal data will generally be held on our servers hosted in [Hong Kong]. However, for the purpose of transferring or processing your personal data into our central database of global customer information or to any of the people specified in paragraph 4 above, we may transfer it to our office(s) outside Hong Kong. We are committed to take all reasonably necessary steps and exercise all due diligence to make sure all personal data collected, held, stored, used, or otherwise processed in our offices outside Hong Kong are treated securely, in accordance with this Privacy Policy Statement and in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
9. Your Right to Access, Correction and Deletion
- Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to check whether we hold personal data relating to you and request access, correction and deletion of any of your personal data in our records. If you at any other point of time wish to exercise any of such rights, please email our Personal Data Privacy Officer as specified in paragraph 10 below.
- You may also request us to delete you or your personal data from any active mailing or distribution list. If you no longer wish to receive any future promotional or direct marketing material from us, please email our Personal Data Privacy Officer as specified in paragraph 10 below, marking your communication “Confidential”. In response, we may ask you to provide certain details about yourself to ascertain the authenticity and validity of the request.
10. Personal Data Privacy Officer
The person to whom (1) requests (i) for access to data or correction of data, (ii) for general information regarding our policies and practices with respect to personal data and (iii) about the kinds of personal data that we hold and (2) general questions and complaints should be addressed is as follows:
Personal Data Privacy Officer
Address: 17/F., One Kowloon, 1 Wang Yuen Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Please indicate your name, member ID or contact number for us to follow up your request.
11. Retention of Data
- We will keep your personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which the data is or is to be used (including any directly related purpose(s)). Pursuant to our internal policy, we will keep a record of all transactions with you in our course of business for a reasonable period of time for review and verification purposes. Personal Data which is no longer necessary for the purposes for which the data was originally collected will be destroyed. You also have the right to request deletion of your personal data in our possession as stated in paragraph 8 above.
- If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions of this Statement, the English version shall prevail.
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